A global programme adopted by all countries in the world to get rid of poliomyelitis by vaccinating all children, monitoring suspect cases and collaborative activities.
Poliomyelitis eradication initiative
Polio eradication is a global programme adopted by all countries in the world under the auspices of WHO to get rid of poliomyelitis by vaccinating all children, monitoring suspect cases and collaborative activities. Since I started my employment at the National Institute of Public Health in Poland, I was working with this initiative. In 2000-2002, I served as the secretary of the Polish Polio Eradication Certification Committee, coordinating the preparation of the documentation for WHO. Based on this documentation, Poland was certified polio-free. in 2005-2012, I was responsible for acute flaccid paralysis surveillance in Poland and participated in some regional certification meetings organised by WHO EURO in Copenhagen. Finally in 2012, I volunteered to the STOP POLIO programme to organise mop-up immunisation campaigns in Punjab, Pakistan.
Why does it matter?
The program has enormous significance for global public health in many aspects. Most of all, it brings to peoples attention the need to collaborate between all nations in the world. The efforts to vaccinate all the children in border regions between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where wild poliovirus still circulates, is of utmost importance to everyone. Until the virus persists somewhere on the planet, ALL countries have to continue vaccinating against a disease which does not exist in their country. Therefore, the polio eradication initiative is a big lesson of public health and common responsibility.
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Peer reviewed publications:
Rosińska M, et al. Przegl Epidemiol 2004; 58: 185-96.
Conference presentations:
Stefanoff P, et al. ICEID, Atlanta, USA, 29 February-3 March 2004.
Stefanoff P, et al. PTW, Poznań, Poland, 26-27 November, 2004.
Stefanoff P, et al. WSPID, Warsaw, Poland, 1-4 September, 2005.
Other publications:
Book chapter in: Vaccinology. Alpha-medica press, Bielsko-Biala, 2007: 142-147.