I pretty much recovered from the food intoxication and feel much better! It's a nice town and a nice hostel, but I found out that I prefer small, quiet places, and above all, I prefer to cycle on dirt roads without much traffic. Interestingly, when I started, I was attracted to larger towns, I preferred to buy food in supermarkets which were quite common in Argentina and Chile... Now I really enjoy private contact with the nature, buying food and meals on local open markets, even if the price often depends on the mood of the seller! Despite my difficult experience with Bolivian roads, I decided to take a challenging route through the "Peru's Great Divide" path which corresponds to a hydrological drainage divide on the continent such that the drainage basic of the Pacific Ocean is divided from the drainage basin of the Atlantic. It's a difficult mountain route to Huaraz with more than 1,500 km distance and over 35,000 meters to climb! I think it will take me more than a month, mostly away from the civilization :)
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