Tracking parental attitudes on vaccination across European countries: The Vaccine Safety, Attitudes, Training and Communication Project (VACSATC)
Paweł Stefanoff, Svenn-Erik Mamelund, Mary Robinson, Eva Netterlid, Jose Tuells, Marianne Riise Bergsaker, Harald Heijbel, Joanne Yarwood; VACSATC working group on standardization of attitudinal studies in Europe.
Vaccine 2010; 28: 5731-7.
It is my most cited achievement. The idea was to pool the results of five surveys of parental attitudes towards childhood vaccination carried out in five countries. It was possible, because we did these surveys in parallel, using agreed methodology, including ten questions we agreed to include in each of these surveys. This was done within the framework of the EU project VACSATC (Vaccine safety: attitudes, training and communication). I led manuscript preparation, but received lots of help from co-authors. It was really rewarding to work with this team and especially to share experiences during multiple meetings and discussions!