Sociodemographic determinants of catch-up HPV vaccination completion between 2016-2019 in Norway
Elburg van Boetzelaer, Anita Daae, Brita Winje, Didrik Vestrheim, Anneke Steens, Paweł Stefanoff.
Hum Vaccin Immunother 2021 Oct 29;1-11.
Following a catch-up vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV) of young women who missed the routine universal vaccination in Norway, women were surveyed to collect their experience. An EPIET fellow working in Norway Elburg has analysed data from 5000 women who participated in the survey. In this manuscript we aimed to learn what determined the decision to take the vaccine. Having parents borne abroad, having children and being married, decreased the likelihood of participating in the catch-up vaccination. These determinants of participation in prophylactic programmes differ by country. What is universal, however, is that public health institutions need to constantly develop dialogue with ethnic, cultural or religious minorities, as societies become increasingly diverse and even best programmes may not reach everyone despite effective communication campaigns.