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Pneumococcal meningitis before the introduction of 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine into the National Childhood Immunization Program in Poland
Aleksandra Polkowska, Anna Skoczyńska, Iwona Paradowska-Stankiewicz, Paweł Stefanoff, Waleria Hryniewicz, Alicja Kuch, Outi Lyytikäinen, Pekka Nuorti.
Vaccine 2019; 37(10): 1365-1373.
An analysis of pneumococcal menigitis surveillance data from Poland. It was part of a PhD project of Aleksandra Polkowska. Since I was her mentor when she started her career in the Public Health institute and I involved her in pneumococcal disease surveillance when she was still working in Poland, she asked me to be part of this publication. I did not have a huge contribution, but it was a pleasure to work with her.
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