Hepatitis B immunisation programmes in European Union, Norway and Iceland: where we were in 2009?
Jolita Mereckiene, Suzanne Cotter, Pierluigi Lopalco, Fortunato D’Ancona, Daniel Lévy-Bruhl, Cristina Giambi, Kari Johansen, Luca Dematte, Stefania Salmaso, Pawel Stefanoff,
Darina O’Flanagan.
Vaccine 2010; 28: 4470-7.
An overview of vaccination programmes against hepatitis B in EU countries. I was invited to a consortium of experts VENICE-2, which was commissioned by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to collect information from countries on vaccination programmes, compare them and provide recommendations for standardisation. Thanks to such documentation, EU institutions could initiate dialogue with countries to make the programmes more compatible between countries in a longer perspective. This manuscript was the first that was published after I joined the project as representative of the Polish institute. I did not contribute too much in this particular publication...