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Abstract Lines

Easy access to vaccination was important for adherence during the 2016-2019 HPV catch-up vaccination in Norway


Elburg van Boetzelaer, Anita Daae, Brita Winje, Didrik Vestrheim, Anneke Steens, Paweł Stefanoff.


Hum Vaccin Immunother 2021 Oct 6;1-9.

Following a catch-up vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV) of young women who missed the routine universal vaccination in Norway, women were surveyed to collect their experience. An EPIET fellow working in Norway Elburg has analysed data from 5000 women who participated in the survey. In this manuscript we investigated barriers and facilatitators for adherence to the catch-up vaccination (taking all three doses). It is important to learn from such experiences, since future vaccination programmes will involve more often adults and teenagers, and teenagers and young adults are specially challenging regarding communication on prophylaxis. Our results were quite optimistic, because we found that mostly logistical barriers prevented young women to finalize their vaccination, and they did not mentioned skeptic attitudes or fear of adverse reactions as important. Logistical problems are much easier to fix!!!

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