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Final report from a one-year evaluation of notifiable diseases surveillance during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Report from a project at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (in Norwegian)


Paweł Stefanoff, Elburg van Boetzelaer, Astrid Louise Løvlie.


[Sluttrapport fra ett-år med evaluering av overvåking av meldingspliktige sykdommer under covid-19 epidemien]. Published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2021.



This report summarised a project started in April 2020 and gradually rolled out during 12 months of COVID-19 crisis. At the beginning, leaders of the Norwegian pandemic response were worried that disease notifications could be affected by the crisis. We started bi-weekly surveillance reports, including selected surveillance attributes, and we gradually extended these reports and included data from several registers. We also identified data gaps and organised surveys of key surveillance stakeholders. This final report summarizes all this work, which was probably my most important contribution to the COVID-19 response in Norway, aside from participating in routine surveillance activities.

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